Subject: [linux-audio-announce] libjackasyn version 0.5 released
From: guenter geiger (
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 21:27:24 EET
Hi there,
libjackasyn is a LD_PRELOAD library that converts programs written
for the OSS system into jack aware applications (sort of).
It will eventually get replaced by the ALSA jack plugins, but as it
existed before, and I never have "officially" released it, here it is.
It is still beta, but several programs already work with it.
It is easy to use, just start your applications with
"jacklaunch <application_name>"
Get it from
Please report back if you have problems. If you find a program that
runs and is not listed in the file "WORKING", please let me know.
linux-audio-announce mailing list
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