Subject: [linux-audio-announce] Input Maps
From: robbins jacob (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 05:41:09 EEST
Input Maps released
I have released a small collection of C code that provides
user-customizeable mappings for controlling realtime objects with event
streams: input maps.
You should be able to shoehorn this C code into your realtime host app if
you want to. There is a sample program that connects a simple example input
map to an alsa rawmidi device.
These input maps are small, simple and can be adapted to accomodate any
event type that is represented as a C struct.
Available at
-input map = overall mapping for one realtime object
-submap = part of an input map handling one event parameter
-tests = tests performed on an event parameter
-actions = resulting actions taken upon match :
action types: remap to different input map, remap to different
submap in current input map, app-defined callback fxn
-route event function = runs an event through a set of input maps and
does the appropriate actions
Features NOT present yet:
-store/create input maps to/from xml
-map/test/action aliases
-implementation as a shared library
---jacob robbins......
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