Subject: [linux-audio-announce] [ANN] swh plugins release
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Tue Dec 02 2003 - 19:58:08 EET
New plugins:
Butterworth filter plugin (Alexander Ehlert)
Impulse generator plugin (Andy Wingo)
Delay plugin (Andy Wingo)
Signal decay plugin (Andy Wingo)
DJEQ plugin (me)
Reverse Delay plugin (Jesse Chappell)
Expander plugin (me, more-or-less untested)
Vinyl sound plugin (me)
Improvements to the IIR filter code (Alexander Ehlert)
Gain and delay correction factors for hilbert transformer (Fons Adriaensen)
Make biquads internally float/douable at compile time (me)
Changes to pitch scale (can't remember why, me)
Added latency reporting ports to (most) plugins that need them (me)
Updated README and auto* stuff (me)
Changes to allow building under Win32 (Audacity Project)
Fixed UID clash (me)
- Steve
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