Subject: [linux-audio-announce] AGNULA @ Week of Freedom (Siena, Turin)
From: The AGNULA Team (
Date: Sun Apr 11 2004 - 23:28:49 EEST
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[Sorry for cross-posting. Feel free to forward around]
Florence, 11 April 2004
+++ AGNULA @ Week of Freedom (Siena, Turin)
The AGNULA project will join the Week of Freedom (17-22 April 2004) in
Siena and Turin, where it will give a presentation/workshop on
AGNULA/DeMuDi and on AGNULA Libre Music.
The AGNULA project will join the Week of Freedom (17-22 April 2004)
[0] in Siena and Turin, where it will give a presentation/workshop
respectively on AGNULA/DeMuDi and on AGNULA Libre Music.
The Week of Freedom is an event promoted and organized by Hipatia [1]
and Free Software Foundation Europe [2] with a plethora of local
associations and organizations - a 6-days long tour around Siena,
Florence, Milan, Turin and Rome with conferences, workshops, speeches
on free (as in free speech) knowledge.
As the conference's organizers say:
While leaving behind the industrial society and enterintering into the
information and knowledge society the concept of liberty
changes. Defending our liberty today means defending the freedom of
Moreover: free knowledge has already proved, through free software
and publishing, to be able to promote social, economic and
development models that produce wealth, growth and wellness.
This is the topic of the week of meetings that will take place
between Siena, Florence, Milan and Turin. During the week freedom of
knowledge will be discussed from the juridical, social, artistic and
technical perspectives.
AGNULA will be in Siena [3] on April 17, when Andrea Glorioso will
give a speech on AGNULA Libre Music, Free Ekanayaka and Damien
Cirotteau will make a presentation and host a "hands-on" workshop on
AGNULA/DeMuDi; and in Turin on April 21, when Andrea Glorioso will
give a speech on AGNULA Libre Music.
We hope to see you in Siena and Turin, and we hope you will joing any
of the events of the Week of Freedom!
About AGNULA: Agnula (acronym for A GNU/Linux Audio distribution,
pronounced with a strong g) is the name of a project funded until
April 2004 by the European Commission (number of contract:
IST-2001-34879; key action IV.3.3, Free Software: towards the critical
mass). After the end of the funded period, AGNULA is continuing as a
volunteer based project, aiming to spread Libre Software in the
professional audio/video arena.
Best regards,
-- The AGNULA Team Our mailing lists: Our web site: "There's no free expression without control on the tools you use" [0] [1] [2] [3] _______________________________________________ linux-audio-announce mailing list
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