[linux-audio-announce] JACK Rack 1.4.5rc1 released

From: <leslie.polzer@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Feb 11 2006 - 13:59:18 EET

JACK Rack 1.4.5rc1 has been released.

JACK Rack is a fast and easy to use serial LADSPA plugin host with
support for MIDI, LASH and, to some extent, LRDF.

 * JACK connection loss now employs automatic reconnect
 * widgets controlled via MIDI now get all their channels updated
 * added french translation
 * applied patch from Mark Vitek that supports the latest LASH API
 * changes
 * corrected MIDI controller numbering (reported by James Stone)
 * internal: introduced flexible status and error handlers

You can get it at

Please test this release candidate as it may still contain some
small quirks.

  Thank you!


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Received on Sun Feb 12 00:15:09 2006

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