[linux-audio-announce] The end of AudioSlack

From: Luke Yelavich <luke@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 27 2006 - 15:54:22 EEST

It is my sad duty to inform you all that I will no longer be maintaining
AudioSlack. Several times in the past few months I have tried to set
aside timeto get the project going again, and each time has not
succeeded, due to other things going on for me at the time.

My interests have also moved in a different direction in helping the
Linux community. I will always be an audio and music enthusiast, but the
work that I am doing elsewhere is taking a large amount of my attention
at the moment, due to the possibility of getting employment in that
area. I only hope that those who used AudioSlack packages found them
useful in the time they were available.

If there is somebody out there who feels they wish to continue my
previous efforts, please email me at luke@email-addr-hidden to discuss
site/domain hand-over.

In closing, I would just like to say thank you to those who did help me
or give me encouragement/support while the project was alive. I had many
great plans forthis site, but it looks like they will never see the
light of day. So thanks to all once again, and I may see you elsewhere
in this wonderful world wide Linux community.

Luke Yelavich
linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 30 16:15:07 2006

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