[linux-audio-announce] [ANN] Dino 0.2

From: Lars Luthman <larsl@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 06 2006 - 17:45:01 EEST

Dino is a MIDI sequencer for GNU/Linux that uses JACK MIDI and JACK
transport to send MIDI events to synths and synchronise with other
sequencers or transport aware programs. It uses LASH to save and restore
sessions. This is the first release. Get it at http://dinoseq.sf.net .

 * libglademm >= 2.4.1
 * libxml++ >= 2.6.1
 * JACK >= 0.100 with the MIDI patch available here:
 * LASH >= 0.5.0

Lars Luthman
PGP key:     http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~d00-llu/pgp_key.php
Fingerprint: FCA7 C790 19B9 322D EB7A  E1B3 4371 4650 04C7 7E2E

linux-audio-announce mailing list

Received on Tue May 9 12:15:02 2006

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