The source tarball for the 0.8.2 (stable) release is now available. Also uploaded is a binary built for Windows.
A lot of bugs were fixed and several new features were added.
We also prepared Denemo for further midi-interaction. But to make Denemo a full notation-midi-sequencer we need you! If you are a developer with interest in MIDI please help us!
However, the focus this time was on (MIDI-)input and more scripting support. Now its possible to combine any input-method (Keyboard, Mouse, Midi) with any Denemo-function making it possible to have scripts like the "Angry Delete" feature: Don't take your hand off the midi-keyboard if you played a wrong note. Just hit the next note with all your might ("high velocity") and it will replace the last one instead of adding a new one.
Some of the new features:
MIDI input
MIDI input filters - scripts that let you control Denemo from MIDI
controller. (Advance on edit, Angry Delete, Figured Bass entry ...)
Audio feedback - either simple beep-beep type sounds on entering
notes/rhythms or (with JackMidi) synthesizer notes.
Mouse shortcuts (e.g. dragging to create crescendos or slurs, all
customizable with custom cursors during drag)
More scripting support.
Applying operations to selections.
More printed notation available from commands (Tempo Indications,
fingerings, metronome marks, beaming, anacrusis (upbeat), repeat
barlines ...)
Better menu organization.
Allow Denemo music scores to have their own actions automatically
performed on loading. (e.g. launching education games, playing
scores ...)
Fixes to Windows version: no need to re-boot after install, scripted
menu items in hierarchical menus no longer crashing.
The source tarball for the 0.8.2 (stable) release is now available. Also uploaded is a binary built for Windows.
A lot of bugs were fixed and several new features were added.
We also prepared Denemo for further midi-interaction. But to make Denemo a full notation-midi-sequencer we need you! If you are a developer with interest in MIDI please help us!
However, the focus this time was on (MIDI-)input and more scripting support. Now its possible to combine any input-method (Keyboard, Mouse, Midi) with any Denemo-function making it possible to have scripts like the "Angry Delete" feature: Don't take your hand off the midi-keyboard if you played a wrong note. Just hit the next note with all your might ("high velocity") and it will replace the last one instead of adding a new one.
Some of the new features after the break:
MIDI input
MIDI input filters - scripts that let you control Denemo from MIDI
controller. (Advance on edit, Angry Delete, Figured Bass entry ...)
Audio feedback - either simple beep-beep type sounds on entering
notes/rhythms or (with JackMidi) synthesizer notes.
Mouse shortcuts (e.g. dragging to create crescendos or slurs, all
customizable with custom cursors during drag)
More scripting support.
Applying operations to selections.
More printed notation available from commands (Tempo Indications,
fingerings, metronome marks, beaming, anacrusis (upbeat), repeat
barlines ...)
Better menu organization.
Allow Denemo music scores to have their own actions automatically
performed on loading. (e.g. launching education games, playing
scores ...)
Fixes to Windows version: no need to re-boot after install, scripted
menu items in hierarchical menus no longer crashing.
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Mon Jan 26 20:15:03 2009
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