Hi all,
(And apologies for cross posting)
I'm pleased to announce QuteCsound version 0.4. This version
incorporates new features and bug fixes arising from the 3 previous
Release Candidate releases.
QuteCsound is a simple frontend for Csound featuring a highlighting
editor with autocomplete, interactive widgets and integrated help. It
is a cross-platform drop in replacement for MacCsound (it can open
files created in MacCsound), and aims to be a simple yet powerful and
complete development environment for Csound.
QuteCsound 0.4 has been tested on Windows, OS X, Linux and Solaris,
and it is free software released under the GPL.
You can get it here:
There's more information here:
Questions, comments and suggestions can be posted to the main Csound
mailing list, or join the QuteCsound users mailing list at:
Thanks very much to all the people (particularly Joachim Heintz), who
have provided great feedback and ideas to improve QuteCsound. Also a
big thanks to Andy Fillebrown for the fixes for Windows and for
preparing the Windows installers.
Changes from version 0.4RC2:
- Added "_Browse" channel for value buttons, which open a browse file
dialog and send the selected file name to any widget with the same
channel which can receive strings, like LineEdit. Added this feature
to the reserved channels example.
- New tutorials and example files, with clearer names. The examples
can now be run directly WITHOUT saving, which is very handy especially
for testing audio IO.
- Console text font color can now be changed
- Added a close tab button on the right corner of the tabs panel.
- Modified execute code for Windows (for external utilities and terminal)
- Added option to enable/disable line wrap
- Added clear option to console context menus
- MacCsound output filename is now parsed and added to the options
- Added new FM and additive examples
- Improved stability
- Files with extensions different to csd, orc and sco can now be opened
- External programs and terminal are now launched correctly on all platforms
- Fixed storing changes in widget panel when tab changes
- Graph widget now displays graphs generated by ftgen
- Widget values are now properly sent for the first control period
- Files now open properly on OS X when double clicked from the Finder
- Fixed problem when buffering messages
- Fixed problems with filenames with spaces when rendering or opening
in external programs
- MacCsound sections are only created if save Widgets preference is set
- New default file more consistent with current state.
- Files are now not marked as modified when changing tabs
- Fixed path of Manual for newer versions
- Fixed resizing and moving widget edit frames when changed from the
properties dialog
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Received on Thu Mar 12 12:15:02 2009
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