NJL LADSPA plugins ported to LV2
source code: http://www.jwm-art.net/lv2/njl-lv2-0.0.3.tar.gz
the set consists of:
--> IEEE floating point noise generator
--> Integer noise generator
--> Risset Scales tone generator
--> Experiments in Representation.
VCF LADSPA plugins ported to LV2
source code: http://www.jwm-art.net/lv2/vcf-lv2-0.0.2.tar.gz
This package fixes the ID problems and the "in-place broken" problems
present in the current LADSPA VCF plugins.
the set consists of:
--> a Bandpass filter 1
--> a Bandpass filter 2
--> a High Pass filter
--> a Low Pass filter
--> a Resonant Low pass filter
--> a Notch filter
--> a High Shelf filter
--> a Low Shelf filter
--> a Peaking EQ filter
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Received on Sat Aug 15 16:15:01 2009
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