Announcing phasex-0.12.0-pre1:
The pre-release is here. It's stable. It builds cleanly. No build
errors or warnings. No runtime errors or crashes. No glitches.
If no bugs are found in the next week, then this code (with the
addition of some brand-new patches) will become the stable release.
Changes since phasex-0.12.0-beta4:
- Build system overhaul. GCC version detection for better arch-
specific optimization (compiles clean with gcc-3.4.x or higher).
Atom builds fall back to next-best optimizations for GCC < 4.5.x.
New --enable-32bit and --cpu-power-level= flags and better user
variable handling for ./configure. Missing -lpthread in link phase
is fixed.
- Velocity control for the amplifier. Better aftertouch handling.
- Scheduling policy defaults to SCHED_RR, and can be changed in the
settings at runtime.
- Broken ringbuffer code has been fixed. No more glitches (unless you
have actually run out of CPU).
- Theme loading has been fixed. Now properly detects if the nodoka
theme engine is installed, and quietly falls back to an engineless
- Fullscreen and Maximize interaction have been fixed.
- New command line options: -m (--midi-channel=), -f (--fullscreen),
and -M (--maximize). Loading a patch by name or by program number
on the command line now finds the appropriate patch in the patchbank.
- The lurking patch name corruption bug has been fixed!
- And more. See the ChangeLog for details...
Download phasex and hear for yourself...
Alternatively, you can utilize the git repositoty:
git clone
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Received on Sun Oct 11 20:15:07 2009
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