Dear reader,
as has been announced here 2 days ago by Marc Groenewegen, the next Linux
Audio Conference (LAC#8) will take place at the HKM in Utrecht, Netherlands,
from May 1st - 4th, 2010 (see
We have now opened the Website that accepts paper submissions. Please direct your
browser to
For those who have been following the LAC activities in the past years: It's
the same used&tested "OpenConf" web-based system that allows us to easily collect
paper submissions, review them and create a programme from accepted papers.
The available categories for paper submission looks like this:
* Ambisonics
* Education
* Live performance
* Audio Hardware Support
* Signal Processing
* Music Composition
* Audio Languages
* Sound Synthesis
* Audio Plugins
* Music Production
* Linux Kernel
* Physical Computing
* Interface Design
* Linux Distributions
* Networked Audio
* Video
* Games
* Media Art
* Licensing
Note that "Video" is also in the list. Yes, that's not strictly Audio :-), but
we feel that the two disciplines are close enough to one another to allow
opening up the conference scope a bit here. After all, we have already had
several very nice audio/video gigs in the past (some might remember the YUE
concert in Karlsruhe 2006 with a remote VJ live from Italy, which was pretty
groundbreaking at that time).
Also, we very much welcome practical papers resp. software demos ("how I use
Linux Audio applications to create my music/media art").
The web page also holds the paper templates that have to be used for submissions.
Pick one of the two provided templates (LaTeX or OpenOffice), author your paper
and convert it to PDF, then upload that PDF. Make sure you are using A4 as
paper size.
Some constraints:
- The conference is held in English, so the paper has to be in English too.
- Length of a paper is 4-8 pages. Papers have to include an abstract (50-100
words). Also, papers should include up to 5 keywords.
- The copyright of the paper remains with you (of course), but we reserve the
right to create printed proceedings from all submitted (and accepted) papers.
- We have fixed the following dates:
- Deadline for paper submissions: February 14th, 2010
- Notification of paper acceptance: March 14th, 2010
- Deadline for final version of paper: April 4th, 2010
Please note that the OpenConf system is only to be used for paper submissions;
for concert pieces ("Call for Music") or sound installation proposals, please
contact us directly by email ("lac -at- linuxaudio -dot- org ").
We are looking forward to many interesting submissions for the 8th
Linux Audio Conference and we hope to see you in Utrecht in 2010!
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anybody who might be
interested - mailing lists, blogs, Linux portals, magazines, you name them.
Public relation work for this conference is something we need, and where
everybody can easily help.
Thanks for reading.
On behalf of the LAC2010 organisation team,
Frank Neumann
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 25 12:15:01 2009
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