This is a quick guitarix update to cover the new release of jconvolver eg. jconv
guitarix is a simple Linux Rock Guitar amplifier and is designed
to achieve nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds.
Guitarix uses the Jack Audio Connection Kit as its audio backend
and brings in one input and two output ports to the jack graph.
To cover the renaming of jconv to jconvolver, guitarix-0.05.3-1
looks now first for jconvolver, if it isn't installed,
it looks for jconv.
Also a patch from Michal Seben (OpenSuse) is added to cover a build fail
at openSUSE:Factory.
Thanks Michal. :-)
Additional, there is a (rt) 2 Channel delay chooser for the output to jconv,
and the Chorus effect work in Stereo now.
have fun
Project page with screenshots:
For capture, guitarix uses the external application
'jack_capture' (version >= 0.9.30) written by Kjetil
S. Matheussen. If you don't have it installed,
you can look here:
For extra Impulse Responses, guitarix uses the
convolution application 'jconv' created by Fons Adriaensen.
If you don't have it installed, you can look here:
I(hermann) use faust to build the prototype and will say
thanks to
: Julius Smith
: Albert Graef
: Yann Orlary
guitarix is licensed under the GPL.
Hermann Meyer & James Warden
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Fri Dec 4 12:15:04 2009
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