[LAA] [ANN] guitarix-0.05.6-1 released

From: hermann <brummer-@web.de>
Date: Fri Jan 01 2010 - 13:30:31 EET

Happy new year to all

I would announce a new release from guitarix

guitarix is a simple Linux Rock Guitar amplifier and is designed
to achieve nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds.
Guitarix uses the Jack Audio Connection Kit as its audio backend
and brings in one input and two output ports to the jack graph.

Release 0.05.6-1 changes:

  * add delay effect
  * fix build against Gtk+ ver.2.12
  * optimize GUI thread and reworked GUI
  * various bugs fixed

have fun

guitarix is licensed under the GPL.

Project page with screenshots:


For capture, guitarix uses the external application
'jack_capture' (version >= 0.9.30) written by Kjetil
S. Matheussen. If you don't have it installed,
you can look here:


For extra Impulse Responses, guitarix uses the
convolution application 'jconvolver' created by Fons Adriaensen.
If you don't have it installed, you can look here:

I(hermann) use faust to build the prototype and will say
thanks to
         : Julius Smith
         : Albert Graef
         : Yann Orlary


        Hermann Meyer & James Warden

Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 1 16:15:04 2010

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