Dear all,
the deadline for submission of papers for the Linux Audio Conference 2010(*)
is coming closer (February 14th, 2010), and (like last year) the amount of
submissions so far is..quite small. However, without papers and presentations
this kind of conference cannot exist.
I believe that most of the prospective paper submitters out there will probably
wait until the very last minute (I recall in one case there was even a bit of
a debate about "what exact time, and what time zone please?" :-), but it would
be helpful to get an idea of the upcoming submissions.
For this reason I am asking that if you plan to submit a paper, to give us/me
a short notice (title, topic) of your planned paper (direct reply, no need to
send that information to any of the addressed lists). This would help us in
planning the next necessary steps.
By the way, we are not considering to extend the paper deadline this year.
Please feel free to forward this mail to whatever people/mailing lists are
Frank Neumann, on behalf of the LAC2010 organization team
(*) See
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Thu Jan 28 16:15:02 2010
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