Hi LAA Subscribers
AV Linux 5.0 has been released, this is intended as a state-of-the-art
production oriented plateau release and features the following highlights:
AV Linux 5.0 Features/Improvements:
- Kernel with IRQ Threading/rtirq-init activated, this Kernel is
what Linux Audio users have been waiting years for!
NOTE: Although the stock Kernel is non-Liquorix, AV Linux still contains
the Liquorix repositories for users who prefer them
- Complete full-featured Desktop package selection including LibreOffice 3.4
- JACK1 0.120.2
- RTC (Real Time Clock) permissions set by default on the LiveDVD
- FFADO SVN Firewire drivers with daisy-chaining on the new Juju Stack.
- AV Linux comes ready for pcm_multi multiple ice1712 soundcards (ie
- Full support for compiling and running Ardour 2.X, ArdourVST, Ardour
3.0, and Ardour Mixbus.
NOTE: AV Linux is a recommended platform for Harrison Mixbus and the
website is a Mixbus Store affiliate.
- Jack Session ready Ardour, Qtractor, Bristol, Specimen, and more to come.
- LV2 plugin support with existing slv2 and newer lilv libraries.
- Unparalled default development environment with Compiling, Source Code
Acquisition and Packaging Tools.
- Four major Linux NLE Video Editors on one LiveDVD! (Openshot 1.31,
Kdenlive 0.8, LiVES 1.43, and Cinelerra 2.1.5CV)
- New GRUB2 based Remastersys Installer that now allows for installation
of other locales
- New complete packaging for all Commercial Demos and Non-Debian stuff so
it can now easily be removed with Synaptic
- New AV Linux Control Panel with many improvements suggested by users
- GRUB SGFXI mode for much more streamlined proprietary nVidia/ATi
graphics installs
- ATi Modesetting disabled on the LiveDVD for more reliable booting on
systems with certain ATi Graphics cards
- Expanded User Manual
- Better default filetype detection for common filetypes (ie Desktop
Manual automatically opens with Evince)
- Full PVR Support for Hauppauge WinTV PVR Capture Cards
- OOTB 'Media Keys' keybinding support with both Openbox and Compiz
- Linuxsampler with GIG, SF2, SFZ Support and Fantasia frontend
- Wine, Java and Multimedia Codecs all ready to go
Full release announcement here:
Download the ISO or Torrent from the AV Linux Website:
Linux-audio-announce mailing list
Received on Sat Jun 18 12:15:01 2011
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Sat Jun 18 2011 - 12:15:01 EEST