Hello everyone,
I just released today a new version of the avw.lv2 plugins.
As a reminder, this project started as a porting of the Alsa Modular Synth
internal modules to LV2 plugins: VCO, LFO, VCF, etc... Teamed up with
Ingen, they can be used to create modular synths or analog drum machines
(but the list is not exhaustive!).
But in the latest versions, the suite saw the addition of a few other
plugins not coming from AMS:
- a (very basic) DownSampler that can be used as a filter to degrade the
- a Granulator which is a granular effect for real time audio - interesting
for VCOs, but as well for vocals, guitars or even drums
- a Beat Repeater and a Beat Slicer: the Beat Repeater would repeat a
certain number of beats, where the Beat Slicer would repeat randomly beats
in a bar - again I find them pretty interesting for drums and guitars
They can be downloaded here:
SVN: svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/avwlv2/code/trunk avw.lv2
GIT: git clone https://github.com/blablack/avw.lv2.git
For Ubuntu users, a PPA is available:
Finally, although I have been tested these plugins extensively and wrote
them to be easy and straight forward to use, please please please provide
any ideas, feedbacks, bug reports, anything to improve them!
Hope you enjoy them!
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Received on Mon Jan 21 12:15:03 2013
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