Radium is a music editor with a new and better interface.
It's inspired by trackers, but has fewer limitations and uses graphics
to show musical data.
Screenshot of 1.9.37 and videos:
Most important changes 1.9.34 -> 1.9.37:
* Add "All files" option to the file requesters
* Proper postfix filter in filerequester when importing midi file
* text draw: Fix for crash when painting ranged notes with subpitch
* vst: Return correct samplePos in audioMasterGetTime
* Fix GFX_Menu not being able to return selection higher than 9
* Pd: radium_time message (containing time and line information)
* Non-OSX: Search for VST plugins recursively
* Get "keys" file path the same way as color and config, plus support
comment after key
* Bottom bar and mixer widget tooltips (Atte Jensen)
* Atte Jensen's patch to read key names from ~/.radium/keys
* Make left alt open menues
* Fix ESC and Arrow keys while navigating menues.
* Fix keys for non-US language setting
* Reset Font size resetted to the default font size, not user font size. Fixed
* Add missing key events, such as 0R1, LR1, etc.
* Turn off drunk velocity by default
* Changed default ADSR(+H) values to neutral
* Put the <new> instruments first when selecting track instrument (F12)
* Always write cents if track is wide
* Fix keyboard modifier keys
* Configurable line separator opacity
* LPB line coloring (opacity can be set in edit -> global config)
* Renamed "MIDI input on/off" to "Edit On/off" (because that's what it
really is)
* Update midi input checkbutton when pressing esc
* Fix SPS spinbox focus
* Only show song files in load/save requesters
* Added $HOME/.ladspa to the list of ladspa paths, when LADSPA_PATH is
not defined
* Instructions on where radium gets menues.conf and keybindings.conf
* Use $HOME/.radium/menues.conf and $HOME/.radium/keybindings.conf if they exist
* Mapped XK_ISO_Level3_Shift to EVENT_ALT_R
* Fix open editor when editor is "emacs -nw"
* Make escape key exit string req, same as return
* Add "import radium as ra" in top of keybindings.conf, plus example
code how to make space play/stop depending on whether you are playing
* New API function: isPlaying
* Updated ubuntu/debian package list in README
* sampler instrument/crossfade: Remove debug printing in realtime code
* fast_log_exp.dsp: Fix pun_float_to_int proto in the faust "ffunction"
* build: Print out message if a command isn't found (make "which" more verbose)
* Pitch area widens when right-clicking inside it, not when moving
mouse on top of it.
* Add effect to correct track when right clicking.
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