Hello fellow Linux Audio peeps!
Apologies for this slightly delayed announcement, I wanted to sort out
some server issues before posting this ...
AV Linux 6.0.4 is released... before I get to the good stuff I want to
take a brief moment to say how thrilling it was to meet so many of the
luminaries in the Linux Audio universe at LAC 2014. It was truly the
experience of a lifetime and it is so great to remember your faces when
your various projects and release announcements come through on this
mailing list... AV Linux is merely a frame for your masterpieces and the
quality and depth of your art continues to amaze and inspire!
With sincere thanks, Glen MacArthur - AV Linux Maintainer
OK, on with it then
Full release announcement here:
Changelog from AV Linux 6.0.3-6.0.4:
- Updated Ardour3 builds to a special preview 3.5-3368 to prevent possible
MIDI/Audio data loss (thanks Paul Davis and Robin Gareus!)
- Reverted JACK 0.124.1 utility scripts to utilize A2JMIDID because
'alsa_midi' doesn't hotplug when new MIDI hardware is plugged in...
- Removed 'broadcom-sta-common' and it's blacklist file to facilitate more
Broadcom devices to work OOTB
- Added menu button to reload XFWM in 'Settings' Menu in the rare event it
crashes on login
- Disabled default Auto-mounting of HDD Partitions in a Live Session
(thanks Zensub!)
- Addition of Squeeze LTS Repositories for security updates including
patched BASH for the 'shellshock' bug
- Installer no longer offers non-English locales since they seem to be
broken, however non-English keyboards can still be set up.
- Replaced Iceweasel with Firefox and added 'Ubuntuzilla' repos for an
up-to-date browser option..
- Updated to 3.12..19 lowlatency PAE default Kernel ( Thanks Trulan Martin!)
**An optional full RT Preempt Kernel is provided but is not compatible
with proprietary nVidia/Ati Video Drivers**
- Updated Harrison Mixbus Demo to version 2.5 including new LV2 Plugins
bundled systemwide to /usr/lib/lv2 (Thanks Ben Loftis!)
- Updated Adobe Flash Browser plugin for security fixes
- Updated AmSynth to 1.5.1 (Thanks Nick Dowell!)
- Updated Guitarix to 0.31(Thanks Hermann Meyer!)
- Updated OpenAV ArtyFX LV2 Plugins to 1.2 (thanks Harry for OpenAV updates!)
- Updated Luppp to 1.0.1
- Updated QmidiArp to 0.6.1
- Updated Qtractor to 0.6.3 (Thanks to Rui for all new Q-stuff below!)
- Updated Qjackctl to 0.3.12
- Updated Qmidinet to 0.2.0
- Updated VeeOne LV2 Plugins to 0.5.1
- Updated Carla Plugin Host to 2.0beta3b plus new VST Plugin (Thanks falkTX!)
- Updated LMMS to 1.0.95 + Carla Plugin host support... yep, LV2 synths in
LMMS! (Thanks diizy and falkTX!)
- Updated Drumgizmo LV2 to 0.9.6 (Thanks you wild and crazy Danes!)
- Updated LV2 Stack to most recent releases (Thanks drobilla!)
- Updated Xjadeo to 0.8.0 binary (Thanks Robin Gareus!)
- Updated HarVid binaries to 0.7.5 (Thanks Robin Gareus!)
- Updated Renoise Demo to 3.0.0
- Updated Pianoteq Demo to 5.1.1
- Updated Patchage to 1.0.0 (Thanks drobilla!)
- Updated Yoshimi to 1.2.4 (Thanks Will Godfrey!) *note as always banks
are in /usr/local/share/yoshimi
- Updated FFADO to 2.2.1
- Updated GCC and G++ to 4.7
- Updated libgtk2.0 from 2.20 to 2.24 to hopefully prolong ability to
compile GTK2 apps
- Updated Cinelerra-CV to recent GIT CVA build ...MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS!
(Thanks Paolo Rampino!)
- Updated entire LinuxSampler stack to recent SVN (Thanks rockhopper!)
- Udated LiVES Video Editor to 2.2.6 (Thanks salsaman!)
- Updated DISTRHO Plugins (many new improvements/additions... Thanks falkTX!)
- Updated Hydrogen to a 'risky' 0.9.7 alpha build with NSM support (Thanks
- Updated Kdenlive to 0.9.10 (Thanks vpinon!)
- Updated Calf Plugins to the KXStudio version with LADSPA and DSSI builds
(Thanks falkTX!)
- Updated LibreOffice to 4.3.1
- Updated Blender to 2.71
New Additions
- Added latest Emacs text-editor for developers
- Added Meld file comparison tool for developers
- Added linuxDSP DYN-4000 Plugin Demo (Thanks linuxDSP!)
- Added Teragon Audio Plugins
- Added JackAss JACK MIDI Plugins
- Added SAFE Plugins
- Added Infamous LV2's (Thanks ssj71!)
- Added official Pipelight Repository and updated to latest versions
(Thanks slackner!)
- Added EnergyXT 2.7 Demo (Thanks Jorgen!)
- Added EnergyXT JACK Utilities based on falkTX's libaam-jack
- Added Individual Guitarix 'Bluemann' and 'Rectifier' LV2's
- Added Mverb Plugins - VST, LV2, DSSI and LADSPA
- Added Shuriken Beat Slicer (thanks Rockhopper!)
- Added recent GIT post-Indiegogo build of OOMIDI
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Received on Thu Nov 13 16:15:02 2014
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