The OSM is back with a new episode for January, playing a folksy acoustic
track from Fiasco recorded in Ardour on Ubuntu, and a tech segment on pitch
correction. Add to this the usual news and yammering, its a short and sweet
Especially we'd like to call attention to the Open Amp-Sim Challenge of
tunestorm #17. Who can make the greatest guitar tones using only open
source effects and amp sims? Even if it's not you we'd love to hear what
you do come up with, so please participate in our musical un-competion!
Just send a flac or wav of your original song featuring this guitar tone
(or synth tone run through a virtual amp or distortion etc) to
contributions at opensourcemusician dot com by February 13th.
Thanks for listening, and as always questions, comments, complaints, quips,
quibbles, and quizzes welcome.
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Received on Fri Jan 27 12:15:01 2017
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