Radium is a vertical music editor. Radium is inspired by trackers, but uses
more graphics to show musical data. Radium also supports MIDI sequencing
and hard disk recording.
Radium has features like smooth scrolling, zooming, automation, piano roll,
embedded Pure Data (Pd), and embedded Faust.
* Homepage: http://users.notam02.no/~kjetism/radium/
* Screenshot:
* Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/KjetilMatheussen/videos
* Demonstration video by Tobias Lutzenkirchen showing some of the features:
(Radium 3.9.1)
*Demonstration video showing developing Faust programs inside Radium:
Changes between 5.0.10 and 5.3.0:
* Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements.
* GUI: A new table to edit common things in all blocks.
* GUI: A new table to edit common things in all instruments.
* Audio: Parameters can be modulated. Support for Sine LFO, Triangle LFO,
Square LFO, Saw LFO, Inverted Saw LFO, and audio envelope-follower.
* Four new demo songs.
* Sequencer: Left and right handles to stretch blocks.
* Edit: Functions to Randomize note positions and durations.
* Edit: Functions to modulo-move notes.
* Edit: Functions to shuffle pitch values.
* Editor: Conventional horizontal slider.
* 124 other changes. (247 git commits)
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