*Call for Proposals*
Deadline: 17.00 (GMT), Friday 12th January 2018.
In the forty years since the release of Brian Eno’s *Music for Airports *the
concept and aesthetics of ambient music have proliferated, influencing
artists as diverse as Taylor Deupree, Steven Wilson, David Lynch and The
Orb, infusing drone, microsound, minimalism and experimental electronic
music as well as aspects of contemporary instrumental music. The aim of
this two-day conference is to re-appraise ambient music in relation to
Eno’s milestone release.
Ambient@email-addr-hidden will be hosted in the newly opened Oastler Building at the
University of Huddersfield from Friday 23rd to Saturday 24th February. The
programme committee invites proposals for:
1. individual papers (20 minute presentation with 10 minutes for
questions and discussion);
2. performance and paper (10 minute per performance, 10 minute
presentation with 10 minutes for questions).
The committee welcomes proposals from academics, independent scholars,
research students and practitioners.
The conference will run alongside the Electric Spring Festival (
www.electricspring.co.uk) and an evening concert on Saturday 24th February
at the Festival will close the conference.
The program committee will also invite a selection of those giving papers
to write them up in the months following the conference (deadline June
2018) as book chapters for publication in late 2018 / early 2019.
*Submission and selection process*
All proposals should be submitted to Prof. Monty Adkins (m.adkins@email-addr-hidden)
by the deadline, Friday 12th January 2018 (17.00, GMT). Individual paper
submissions should include an abstract (350 words) and an author biography
(200 words). Performance and paper submissions should include a brief
overview of the audio presentation including technical resources required
(300 words), links to online samples of audio work, an abstract (350 words)
and an author biography (200 words).
The committee aims to notify proposal authors of its decision by Friday 19th
January 2018. Those selected will be asked to confirm their acceptance and
technical setup. The full programme will be announced online and booking
opened on Monday 22nd January 2018.
The Ambient@email-addr-hidden conference registration fee will be £50 (£30 for
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