It is a pleasure to announce ICAD 2019, the 25th International Conference on Auditory Display. The conference is hosted by the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University and will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK on 23-27 June, 2019. The graduate student Think Tank (doctoral consortium) will be on Sunday, June 23, before the main conference.
The theme of ICAD 2019 will be Sonification for Everyday Life
Digital technology and artificial intelligence are becoming embedded in the objects all around us, from consumer products to the built environment. Everyday life happens where People, Technology, and Place intersect. Our activities and movements are increasingly sensed, digitised and tracked. Of course, the data generated by modern life is a hugely important resource not just for companies who use it for commercial purposes, but it can also be harnessed for the benefit of the individuals it concerns. Sonification research that has hit the news headlines in recent times has often been related to big science done at large publicly funded labs with little impact on the day-to-day lives of people. At ICAD 2019 we want to explore how auditory display technologies and techniques may be used to enhance our everyday lives. From giving people access to what’s going on inside their own bodies, to the human concerns of living in a modern networked and technological city, the range of opportunities for auditory display is wide. The ICAD 2019 committee is seeking papers, extended abstracts, multimedia, concert pieces, demos, installations, workshops, and tutorials that will contribute to knowledge of how sonification can support everyday life.
ICAD is a highly interdisciplinary academic conference with relevance to researchers, practitioners, musicians, and students interested in the design of sounds to support tasks, improve performance, guide decisions, augment awareness, and enhance experiences. It is unique in its singular focus on auditory displays and the array of perception, technology, and application areas that this encompasses. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2019 will be a single-track conference, open to all, with no membership or affiliation requirements.
A full Call for Participation with details of the submission classes and dates will be sent out in September.
For all general enquiries, please contact:
Twitter: @ICAD2019
Paul Vickers co-chair of ICAD 2019.
Co-chair of ICAD 2019:
Save our in-boxes!
Dr Paul Vickers BSc PhD CEng MIEE FHEA
Associate Professor & Reader in Computer Science & Computational Perceptualisation
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Northumbria University
Ellison Building, Ellison Place
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)191 243 7614
Personal Profile:
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