Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] acid, linux
Date: to joulu 02 1999 - 16:52:50 EST
> Couldn't you just do this with waveshaping, using a table lookup?
> Use the input as the index, and fill the table with a straight line
> up to the threshold level, then some sort of curve beyond that (but
> what sort of curve I guess would be the question). I know some
> people are doing this in csound, though I don't know what gen
> routine they use for making the table.
yes, but this would waste around 32k, I'd only do
if(sample>start_limit_value) sample=kill_tape(sample);
I want to implement something like this in my realtime effects thingy ldse
since the algo it's using now is pretty bad for this job and the people at the
music-dsp list tend to be very quiet about algos...
the simplest function would be
(first hard clip the sample to 2**bits_per_sample):
bad thing: tangent in starting point isn't 45°, how to avoid this?
how to do this with some sort of f(x)=a+m*log(x**n+b)?
my math got pretty rusty, it's scarry because I'm only half a year out of
school :-/
...o..oO0 NoehliE 0Oo..o...
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