Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] SCHED_FIFO machine stalls
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: pe joulu� 10 1999 - 17:06:07 EST
>> Are you sure you don't have a bug in the audio processing code?
>Well I'm not sure but there are no deadlocks without SCHED_FIFO so... On
>the other hand the problem occurs not very often so it may occur without
>SCHED_FIFO too - I just dont know
if you really do have places where you end up in a tight loop, you
won't detect the deadlock without SCHED_FIFO because regular
scheduling policy will ensure that other tasks run after you burn up
your timeslice. If you run with SCHED_FIFO, those pesky CPU-holding
loops turn into apparent deadlocks.
i don't know any good ways to debug this. fortunately, its never
happened to me.
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