Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] AC3 encoder for Linux? AAC vs MP3 vs MP2 quality :-)
From: Paul Kellett (
Date: ma tammi 10 2000 - 13:40:11 EST
> I have compared visually the graphs of the original wave and decoded mp3.
> They look pretty the same with 320 kbps but maximum error in
> comparison is nearly 8 bits. This made me think that the bytes are in wrong
> order but the mp3 audio is crystal clear and not noisy. Hmm...
It's not a byte error but phase distortion - much less audible.
You can see it if you mp3 encode/decode a sine wave and some white noise then
subtract the original signal (after aligning) - the sine will cancel out much
better than the noise.
> If you now rush to implement a mp3 sample database program, please
> notice that example implementation adds silence (1000 samples?) to the
> begin of the sample and drops off samples (700 samples?) from the end.
> Not good for synth samples and sample loops.
Is there a way to embed loop information in a mp3 anyway? Maybe mpeg-4.
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