Subject: [linux-audio-dev] scorefile examples and info
From: David A. Jaffe (
Date: ke tammi 26 2000 - 12:35:38 EST
The only implementation of "ScoreFile" is in the Music Kit,
which runs only on the Nextstep operating system. Hence, it's usefulness
is limited. ScoreFile is basically a note list format.
There is a brief description in:
Eleanor Selfridge-Field, editor: Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes
Hardcover (1997), 630 pages, illustrated, glossary, index, ISBN
0-262-19394-9, order from The MIT Press, Five Cambridge Center, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02142-1493, USA; World Wide Web
Examples of ScoreFile are included as part of the Music Kit. But here
is one, so that you don't have to down-load the whole Music Kit.
/* This example Scorefile illustrates the ScoreFile Language looping
constructs. Three loops are invoked.
1. The inner-most loop creates a set of notes that start at the same
time. They differ in frequency by a small "beatingOffset".
This beatingOffset causes a phasing effect.
2. The second loop creates a slow harmonic series melody
3. The outer-most loop causes the harmonic series melodies to
move around the cycle of fifths.
info samplingRate:22050 alternativeSamplingRate:11025;
part aPart; /* Declare a part */
aPart synthPatch:"Fm1i" synthPatchCount:11;
envelope ampFn = [(0,1)(.1,.7)|(1.0,0)];
envelope indFn = [(0,1)(.1,.7)];
t 0.00000;
/* First set some defaults. */
aPart (noteUpdate) amp:.08 ampEnv:ampFn m1Ind1:5 m1Ind0:0 m1IndEnv:indFn;
t + .1;
double curPitch,basePitch,beatingOffset;
int i,j,k;
int numVoicesPerNote = 5;
int numNotesPerChord = 5;
int numChords = 4;
k = 0;
while (k<numChords) { /* Outer loop */
basePitch = c0 * 1.5 ^ k; /* basePitch moves up cycle of 5ths */
j = 0;
while (j<numNotesPerChord) {
i = 0;
curPitch = basePitch * (j + 2); /* curPitch moves up series */
beatingOffset = .2 * ran + .05; /* Beating offset randomly choosen */
while (i<numVoicesPerNote) { /* Inner loop */
aPart (8) freq:curPitch + beatingOffset * i
i = i + 1;
t +3;
j = j + 1;
k = k + 1;
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