Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] News about sequencers (not my own though!)
From: David Olofson (
Date: ke tammi 26 2000 - 20:18:02 EST
On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Eli Brandt wrote:
> Figure the difference between native-code compiled and byte-code
> compiled (which I think is what we're talking about here) is the
> overhead of the byte-code interpreter. This may be substantial, but
> it's not going to come in millisecond-long bursts, that I can see.
> So since RT is about predictability, not speed, this looks fine.
Indeed, and when it comes to extension languages, who really cares
about speed anyway? It's all about getting the job done *at all*
(without a nervous breakdown ;-), rather than doing it with the
slowest/cheapest hardware possible...
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| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Rock Solid, Hard Real Time, |
| Plugin & Integration Standard | | Low Latency Signal Processing |
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.- D a v i d O l o f s o n ------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker, Linux Advocate, Open Source Advocate, Singer/Composer |
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