Re: [linux-audio-dev] BeOS everywhere

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] BeOS everywhere
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: to tammi� 27 2000 - 13:46:31 EST

>I don't know about the rest of you, but I've always been a bit
>skeptical about team/group-work methods. I think it's better, that
>there is one or two project leaders who have a clear vision about
>what they are doing, and then there are others who help by giving
>comments and doing implementation work.

MuCoS is a one, maybe two, on the outside three person project. David
and spent a lot of time and bandwidth, which you may recall,
discussing the design. Both of us plan to do a "sample
implementation", though I got bogged down again in Quasimodo 0.2.0,
then the Hammerfall driver, and now HDR. Benno has been experimenting
with the non-plugin version of the API (server/client model). thats
it. no teams, no group work, none of that "stuff" :)

>And please do post code samples, etc to this list. That's the best

we will.


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