Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "ardour": please take a look
Date: la tammi� 29 2000 - 20:40:58 EST
On Sat, 29 Jan 2000, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> Let me know if you have any thoughts for the interface (which
> is also far from finished and constantly evolving).
I really like the interface. It looks like the remote for a
professional multitrack, which makes it attractive for recording
engineers who will instinctively know how to use your program.
Feature requests :)
These are just some suggestions of things that may or may not be
- one more time display that will show where the current locate position
is, with an arrow to grab the tape position.
- varispeed knob? - For those Rock'n roll singers/.
- x-fade knob. - this one's only for full PCM3348 compliance!!
Thanks for all your hard work.
So Anyone here want to buy a Layla?
....Didn't think so.
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