Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] 32/96 x 24 playback improvements, I think
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: pe helmi 04 2000 - 08:38:54 EST
>Paul, even if you are ANTI-EIDE , I can only say that recent disks
>(disks which support UDMA), work very well, especially the IBM and
>Maxtor ones. The performance is ok (for example the 18GB disk does
>16MB/sec when reading a large file), and reliability too (I have some
>IDE disks running for 3-4 years on my servers without any problem).
>Therefore I don't see any reason to bash (good) EIDE disks,
>especially since the price/MByte is only half of the price of SCSI
Its true. But... the problem with EIDE controllers is that they
require single-command interactions with the kernel. Its impossible to
queue a bunch of commands, and then go and do and something else until
the controller comes back and tells you that they are finished. As
long as you only want to do one thing with the disk(s) at one time (as
most standalone HDR systems do), this is not a problem. If you want to
run Linux and do HDR and still be able to do other things that use the
disk from time to time, this is a problem. Note: I am *not* talking
about running the GIMP while an HDR session is going on. But I do find
that I can run "ardour" in record mode, with the tape files on one of
my regular system disks, then run fetchmail, do some web browsing, and
program editing, without causing a single dropout. This has something
to do with the fact that I have a dual CPU system, but it also has
something to do with the fact that I am using a SCSI disk controller.
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