[linux-audio-dev] sine wave question

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Subject: [linux-audio-dev] sine wave question
From: Scott C. Knight (scknight_AT_indiana.edu)
Date: ti helmi� 22 2000 - 01:21:31 EST

Ok, I've written a program before to generate and play one period of a
sine wave. Is it possible to play less than one full period? Or would it
just sound all scrwewed up. Like Im thinking of playing a sinewave when a
button is clicked, but with generating one full period or multiples or 1
period theres a bit of delay when releasing the button, but if you only
generate and play the sine wave while the button is down it would work. So
i guess my question is, how would I go about generating a sine wave to
play on the fly rather than generating it then palying it. Sorry if this
question seems to easy, but this seemed like the best place to ask.

        Scott Knight

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