Re: [linux-audio-dev] New subscriber

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] New subscriber
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: su helmi� 27 2000 - 15:02:24 EST

>As for others, at least Paul-Barton Davis has lots of his
>code in libraries, but AFAIK he hasn't released them
>officially as libraries.

All of my library code is available as libraries. If you mean "have I
released them as tarballs/RPMs/dpkg thingies", then the answer is more
selective. I don't consider any of my stuff "finished" enough to be in
systems where people are not working from source. does
have RPM and .tgz distributions of all (*) the Quasimodo-related
libraries, but I prefer at this time for people to use CVS. See for how to access the stuff.

Relevant libraries to date:

          libsoundfile: modularized soundfile library, based on Bill
                        Schottstaedt's sndlib. Currently only
                        RIFF/WAVE and AIFF source is converted from
                        sndlib, but all the other 20+ formats
                        supported by sndlib are there in prototypical
                        form. This library is written for C++
                        developers, supports mmap(2)-based read access
                        and per-channel access (that is: you can
                        write/read to/from channel N without dealing
                        with other channels), and uses templates
                        for efficient generation of type-specific
                        I/O functions (i.e. you can read straight
                        into a float, or short, or int without dealing
                        with any more casting than absolutely necessary).


(*) well, since I added two new ones in the last few days, not
    quite all.

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