Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] acid, linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: ke joulu 01 1999 - 10:48:52 EST
>[ Acid ] is cool, and if anyone is interested in a project to
>take the best ideas from it and create something improved for Linux,
>let me know. This seems like one of those apps that a GPL'd version
>could speed adoption of Linux.
most definitely. this program seems to have created a huge amount of
interest in the current loop-crazy music world. i talked to Sonic
Foundry when i was at WOMAD in Seattle this summer, and their sales
guy made me feel physically unsafe when i asked them if they would
port it to Linux!
>My only concern is that some of the timestretch algorithms might
>be patented.
probably, but my impression is that there are lots of reasonable ones
out there. sonorus or prosoniq or someone had a nice web page
someplace with a description of some non-patented ones.
also, i note that from my experience this last week porting softwerk
to GTK (and in some sense, softwerk is kind of like a MIDI-only
version of Acid) that the core algorithms of these programs are the
easiest part - writing good user interfaces to control all that power
is *really, really hard* (and, to be perfectly honest, pretty boring).
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