Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Silly audio problem
From: 'Billy Biggs' (vektor_AT_DIV8.NET)
Date: ma joulu 13 1999 - 23:09:38 EST
Richard W.E. Furse (
> Have you tried larger buffers?
I can't. The phone I'm talking to can only do 20ms framing and barely any
network buffer, so I have to make sure that I send out frames consistently at
20ms intervals. This means keeping my buffer smaller than that.
On the soundcard, I've got a buffer of 32 samples, at 8k.
PS, on my es1370 alsa, the microphone mysteriously stopped working... any
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Billy Biggs [SMTP:vektor_AT_DIV8.NET]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 1:32 AM
> To: Linux Audio Dev
> Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Silly audio problem
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if I could get an objective opinion on an annoying problem I'm
> having. I'm almost positive the bug is my fault, I'm just looking for thoughts
> on what might be the problem.
> I'm programming an internet telephony app. I read in audio off the soundcard
> at mono 16bit, 8000 samples/sec. I then convert the 16bit shit audio to even
> worse mu-law 8bit audio and stream it out the network. I get mu-law input from
> the network which I then play back out the soundcard.
> I've got an ens1370 card (AudioPCI) and am using ALSA 0.4.1h (debian potato
> package).
> The problem is this: The sound on the receiving end sounds really awful,
> then switches and sounds good for a while, but then sometimes falls back to
> sounding awful again. The bass gets this big rumbling sound and it kinda
> sounds like it's clipping. Definitely sounds chunky.
> Often, if it's playing all chunky like, if I run 'aumix' to fix the volume,
> that triggers it back to sound-okay mode.
> Any ideas what might cause this behavior? I'm likely doing something
> obviously wrong, I've just been staring at it too long. The code is very
> simple though.
-- Billy Biggs
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