Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] kernel upgrade question
From: Takashi Iwai (
Date: ti tammi� 18 2000 - 09:53:14 EST
>>>>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 07:54:49 -0500, Dave Phillips
<> said:
> 2.) I would like to install the latest ALSA package (0.5.0). Is there
> a preferred kernel number for that package ?
I experienced a compile error on 2.2.10 (or a little older one)
regarding to byteswap.h. It was fixed on the latestr version.
I recommend the latest, 2.2.14.
> 3.) Any other relevant suggestions before I go ahead with the upgrade
> ?
Subtle things:
- The latest module-utils should be used, too. Ver.2.2-pre* had a
serious bug which causes SEGFAULT. The patched version may be found
(at least SuSE had). Note that modutils-2.3 can be used even for
2.2.x kernel. I'm using the same binary both on 2.2.14 and 2.3.38
- The name of module config file is /etc/modules.conf.
/etc/conf.modules is obsolete.
- "include" command /etc/modules.conf seems still buggy.
- Routing for loopback device is no longer necessary.
- Pay attention if you copy the old /etc/conf.modules.
binfmt alias (e.g. for a.out exec files) was changed.
- The latest ksymoops is out of kernel source tree. Get it from
Hope this helps you.
-- Takashi Iwai / Department of Materials Science Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg
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