Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] News about sequencers (not my own though!)
From: jfm3 (
Date: to tammi 20 2000 - 14:07:18 EST
Dan Hollis wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, jfm3 wrote:
> > 10/100baseT doesn't make a good real time control protocol physical layer. It's
> > not "real time" enough.
> And 38400 baud aysnc serial is? Boggle.
Don't think about throughput, think about latency. When I send a message out on a
MIDI cable, I have 100% certainty of when it will arive at its destination(s) within
constant bounded tolerances (1 ms.). Similar claims can not be made of ethernet.
Not that the limitations of MIDI don't bite me daily, but ethernet seems a lot like
the wrong tool for the job.
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