Subject: [linux-audio-dev] "ardour": please take a look
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: la tammi 29 2000 - 17:21:57 EST
Here is a screenshot of my latest efforts: an N-track 32bit/96kHz tape
recorder for Linux. The program runs with the Hammerfall right now,
but is still in a pre-beta state. Lots of work happening over this
weekend. Let me know if you have any thoughts for the interface (which
is also far from finished and constantly evolving).
Just wanted to get this out there!
p.s. "ardour" ? try saying the name of the latest cool box from Mackie ("HDR"),
then make look for synonyms. (apologies to non-native english speakers).
"harder" wasn't judged a nice enough name :)
p.p.s. the little boxes along the top are clip-count displays. you can
specify two clip-count values and it will show you how many
times that many consecutive samples clipped e.g. specifying 2
and 10 gives a good idea of whether or not the take needs to be
rerecorded, or just edited by hand afterwards. Kudos to Bill
Gribble for this idea.
p.p.p.s this is *NOT* a soundfile editor, just a multichannel recorder
designed for live use in a studio. i believe that the files
it records can easily be exported to .wav, .aiff or whatever for
subsequent editing.
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