Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] how to handle large files
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: su helmi 06 2000 - 12:50:07 EST
Adam Williams wrote:
> This issue seems to come up every 4 years and die come April. If you
> were to look inside a TV station the way professional editing suites
> handle large files is what is known as an Edit Decision List.
I understand the use of an EDL, mainly through working with Snd and
BC2000. My previous questions to you have been largely answered by
reading the docs again and trying to think like a film editor rather
than an audio editor. The difference might seem small to someone who has
worked in both fields, but all I've ever worked with have been
relatively simple audio tools.
> How do you ensure users don't save their EDL thinking they're
> saving a WAV file and then delete the assets?
My bad. That one had me stumped in BC2000 until I understood the
difference in approach.
Pardon my ignorance: I'm not a programmer, and I'm trying to hack
something together that's more than I know how to handle. Since Ceres is
quite a different beast from a typical soundfile editor or a
multitracking application, I'm not sure how an EDL might be applied to
== Dave Phillips
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