Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Cached Audio Patent
From: Richard W.E. Furse (
Date: ma helmi 28 2000 - 12:15:31 EST
Found this in the British Library today. Don't know if it helps with the
audio cache patent thing:
Computer Music Journal Vol 15 Number 3 Fall 1991
Machine Tongues XIII: Real-Time Audio Conversion Under A Time-Sharing
Operating System
p35, within "The DSC Approach" to playing back audio files:
"... The buffer contains no actual data when it is written. Instead, it is
divided into two single-track buffers by the driver, and a different buffer
header is associated with each half of the buffer. Each buffer is set up
for DMA with calls to ubasetup() and is primed with sound data from disk
before audio playback begins..."
-- Richard
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