Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] design question for HDR
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 04:24:00 EEST
>Do you have an example of a system that can do this currently (without
>reverting to special purpose hardware)?
The new Mackie HDR, for one. It uses a (133MHz ?) Pentium-compatible
(read AMD) processor and a UDMA disk.
For $3999 street price, its a killer. I think/hope we can do one
better, however: if you have a computer and a suitable disk, buy a
Hammerfall for about $500, and I'll give you the software for free.
Admittedly, the Mackie box comes with a pretty nice non-destructive,
non linear editing system too, which looks at least as good as
something like SoundForge, but hopefull, Bill Schottstaedt and others
are working on that side of things.
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