Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] design question for HDR
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 07:41:59 EEST
Here's a clue.
I trust that most of you probably know Xeno's paradox, often recounted
as the story of two animals. One of them moves slowly, but gets a head
start; the other moves quickly, but starts later than the other. How
can the fast animal ever catch, let alone overtake the slow one ? by
the time it gets to where the slow one is, the slow one has moved on,
i have never seen a mathematical resolution of Xeno's paradox, but i
think it was Alfred North Whitehead who pointed out that the fast
animal is making a mistake in how it even thinks about the problem.
"You need to aim for where the slower creature *will be*, not where it
is now, and catch him there."
Its funny how these parables have wide significance :) More when I
finish with my own solution to a rather Xeno-like situation.
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