Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Linux Audio plugin API's: where are we ?
From: Jim Coker (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 20:41:05 EEST
James, you've mentioned before that you would like to add
an API to SC to allow users to write their own unit generators
for SC. How different would this API be from LADSPA
or VST, other than the memory allocation and bounded
start-up time issues? If it is very easy to port a suitable
plugin to either API, then absolute compatiblity
is less of an issue.
OTOH, I think immediate startup for a plugin is
very useful behavior and should be considered for
inclusion in LADSPA (or some extended version of it),
either as a requirement, or an optional capability.
Even if the host isn't doing the sort of on-they-fly
plugin/ugen graph generation that SC does, some simple
applications, like a digital mixer with switchable
inline effects, would work better if this requirement
is met.
James McCartney wrote:
> on 4/5/00 2:36 AM, Kai Vehmanen at wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Richard Guenther wrote:
> >
> >> Note, that while GLAME will probably support LADSPA plugins (while
> >> suffering from some noticable wrapping overhead) but not the other way
> >> around, i.e. GLAME plugins will not be compatible with LADSPA - and they
> >> never can, as they are fundamentally different in a non-compatible way.
> >
> > But this is probably true for all other apps, too. That's why the
> > common-denominator is important.
> It is the other way around for SuperCollider.
> LADSPA plug ins are not capable of being SC plug ins because they may
> allocate memory and do not guarantee bounded start up time. They also do not
> generate sample accurate end time stamps which SC requires.
> SC unit generators could probably be wrapped to work in LADSPA, but it would
> probably be more useful to wrap SC patches rather than SC unit generators.
> So LADSPA isn't a common denominator. I don't think there can be such a
> thing.
> --- james mccartney <>
> SuperCollider - a real time synthesis programming language for the PowerMac.
> <>
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