Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] do YOU support LASDPA? (was Re: Linux Audio plugin API's: where are we ?)
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 11:08:54 EEST
I WILL support LADSPA for my future projects, but they are not written yet.
My vision of the main problems is converging with paul's :
* Lack of a GUI layer.
and more precisely, lack of the clue for representation of control signals
(no range, nor "type of signal (eg an #define VOLUME 0x0001) .
A plugin should be able to give a hint of what it provides. Maybe an
extension could be thought, eg. gtk-ladspa, which could provide a complete
setup widget. and provide a way for the host to pass results (ie standard
simple "plugincontrolvaluechanged(int n, float value)" events) to the
mixer-process from the GUI-handler.
Just waiting for a little more stabilizing & samples & preview plugins.
Bravo ! For all the neat work & great level of discussion
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