Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: a GPLed competitor to MP3 ?
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 13:17:27 EEST
after giving it a quick test, i found ogg to be quite decent
sounding, but i detected subtle pitch problems (a beat-like vibrato
on clean guitar sounds) and a slightly different overall sound than
mp3 (at first glance i would say less detail, but that's just a
first impression).
plus it seems that playback is slightly more cpu-intensive than mp3
at a comparable bitrate (xosview shows 26% peaks w/ mp3 and 33%
peaks w/ ogg, the peaks seem to be of the same length and interval,
but this is not a waterproof measurement !)
the encoder speed is at present not comparable to lame, but then, RT
encoding is not the prime goal.
if - as the ogg folks claim - there is room for tweaking and sound
improvement, hm, well, this might be something.
the developer site is
might it be useful to get these folks onto LAD, or would that be
outside its scope ?
(but hey, when we can talk about parsers, we can talk about codecs !
Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> hello lad-folk !
> in the latest issue, i found a reference to
> ,
> home of Ogg Vorbis, a new, open source audio codec.
> it is said to be as good as mp3 in terms of compression rate and
> quality, although it is somewhat beta still and produces minor
> artefacts.
> it is licensed under gnu gpl/lgpl.
> let's give this a test - even if fraunhofer doesn't charge users for
> an mp3 license now, this may change in the future.
> regards,
> jörn
> --
> Jörn Nettingsmeier
> Kurfürstenstr. 49
> 45138 Essen, Germany
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier Kurfürstenstr. 49 45138 Essen, Germany
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