Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Making audio run realtime on older computers
From: Conrad Parker (
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 16:17:50 EEST
On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 02:51:13PM +0200, Benno Senoner wrote:
> an alternative would be:
> use mpg123 to output to stdout (-s) and pipe it through a small app
> which :
> fires up two threads :
> - buffering thread which gets data from mpg123 (should be at least 500KB or so)
> - audio thread which gets data via lock-free FIFO from the buffering thread
> and runs SCHED_FIFO and uses the full 64KB of the soundcard buffer.
the -b option to mpg123 lets you set an output buffer, eg.
mpg123 -b 1024 file.mp3
is usually good enough to cover intermittent dropouts, but doesn't
change the scheduling.
> > To get a mp3 to play I have to use either:
> >
> > mpg123 -4 file.mp3 (i.e. "-4" means downsampled twice to 11025)
> >
> > nice -19 mpg123 -4 file.mp3
running mpg123 under nice -19 will give it the lowest possible
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