Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Making audio run realtime on older computers
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 11:40:20 EEST
>From: David Olofson <>
>MHz for 486. A 100 MHz Pentium should work with most decoders, but
>that's on the low end too for some.
mpg123 work for P90 with Alsa and doesn't break even I read docs and
use emacs. Never tried any graphical plug-in because they just disturb
the programming and reading.
>> use mpg123 to output to stdout (-s) and pipe it through a small app
>> which :
>> fires up two threads :
mpg123 has two threads already, it needs only to set the other to run
as SCHED_FIFO process and lock the buffer.
But there is Alsaplayer too with mp3 support. How it works?
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