[linux-audio-dev] FILE FORMAT FOR EVO

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Subject: [linux-audio-dev] FILE FORMAT FOR EVO
From: larry d byrd (larrybyrd_AT_juno.com)
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 22:38:15 EEST

I have an idea concerning format of the gigaclone..
Im not sure If I have it all together so please correct me if Im missing

Take .wav as your only file format..
With the auto-mapping functions I mentioned like pitch recognition and
velocity detection upon import you can re-create most basic velocity
switching keymap formats...Take AKAI/gigasampler conversion..

The only information that is converted and sometimes incorrectly is what
sample is in what velocity and key range and defaults all controllers to
general settings for LFO and envelope.

There are no CD's in AKAI that are converted with filter settings and
effects settings ,controller assignments,etc. accurately over to
giga...and I have almost all of them..
Every format can have the waveforms extracted from them..Right..?
I know there are giga,akai,soundfont,dls,roland converters that extract
just the waves from the program structure so that you can import in to
various audio applications..

I dont see the difference in EVO (gigaclone) generating a default
template for imported waves (as long as you import them by grouped
samples) and create a better default layout than the GIGA/AKAI conversion
which can be saved as .evo or whatever.
So help me out here....

1.) You have waveforms extracted from say the akai CD and extracts each
instrument into
there own unique folder (with the original name of file). So the samples
aren't all bundled together.(Save non-pitched instruments for later

2.)EVO runs a scan on each folder and treats each folder as an individual
and re-arranges and files the waveforms based on there detected pitch and
velocity into temporary EVO keyranges and velocity ranges.

3.)When these types of files are loaded into the sampler a message with
preset templates is displayed allowing the user to apply any preset or
customized templates for that instrument. (Say its a bass,..Apply the
custom EVO template that is made for bass applications to this file and
*The templates contain appropriate settings for most all instruments
that are sampled
and you can create your own.(Effect type,Effect Depth,LFORates,Controller
envelope curves,velocity curves,pressure curves,even intonation tables
and filter settings)

I geuss the issue is extracting the waves from the various formats from

Most basic structures for samplers are something like this:
1.GROUP(combinations of instruments on seperate channels)
2.INSTRUMENTS(combinations of keymaps)
3.KEYMAP(combinations of layers)
4.LAYERS(combinations of waveforms)
5.SAMPLES (individual waveforms)

I came up with other synonyms for the structure to match the concept
behind the EVO
PROJECT...This makes it more customized.

1.PROJECT ( A pallete of instruments used in a song.)
2.PROGRAM (A complete modeled physical modeled instrument)
3.ELEMENTS (Describes a technique of a physical modeled instrument )
4.LAYERS (The full range of morphed samples that make up the technique)
5.WAVEFORMS (The individual sample of a pitch and velocity)

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