Re: [linux-audio-dev] MidiShare Linux

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MidiShare Linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 15:42:53 EEST

>> I want to encourage everyone on the list (especially Benno) who is
>> interested in using lock-free data structures to take a look at
>Why just especially me ?
>Did I generate too much fuzz with the sampler issues ?

You're one of the few people here that are using lock free data structures.

>(yea, no one single mutex only thread shared mem and lock free fifos,
>works like a charm (but Stephane is still reporting crashes when sending
>fast subsequent note events (using MIDIshare :-) ) , hopefully we can
>fix the problem soon because I am unable to reproduce the crashes here.

Note: the lock free FIFO that we use is not SMP safe, unless you've
started using atomic_t's, and in addition, the design requires a
bounded FIFO size. MidiShare doesn't use limits like this.

My recommendation wasn't related to MidiShare in general (I haven't
used it yet), but specifically to the code it contains for lock free
work. Yann has actually read most (all?) of the good papers on this
work from the CS world, and MidiShare's code embodies that.

(note: it was quite amusing, browsing through his collection of
papers, to see loads of references to work done by my friends and
colleagues at the university of washington. when i worked there, i
thought this stuff was pretty useless. live and learn ...)

>I do not know much of the Midishare design yet,
>(I gave it only a quick look at the general infos sometime ago),
>but it would be interesting to see if it fits well into my proposed
>"manual audio process scheduler" model.

MidiShare currently supports audio events as well as MIDI. Stephane
demonstrated it sharing audio input (and output) across several
different applications.

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