Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Realtime restrictions whenrunningmultipleaudioapps .. Was: Re: disksampler ...
From: Erik Steffl (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 21:21:24 EEST
Benno Senoner wrote:
> What do you do if the X server crashes ?
> saying that the X11 model is flawed because every app should output on
> the video independently ?
the point is that crash of X app does not crash X server and the rest
of X apps (well, in some cases it might lock the keyboard etc.), the X
apps do not run in same process space as X server.
> (yes the X server crashed a few times for me but only a couple of times
> in 6-7 years :-) so the crash frequency is acceptable to me)
I am not opposed to idea of user space audio server, I would like to
have the apps shielded from other apps, it looks like the two level
server should work well (see my other post, it's basically what has been
suggested in different wording by you and David).
> BTW: we should actually write code rather than debating and dreaming of a
> system which does all and everything in the perfect way(TM) .
> :-)
oh yes, but there's so much work in audio arena to get the basics done
that I almost feel like not doing anything:-) anyway, the first thing
I'm going to do is check why oss sequencer emulation in alsa crashes my
system. that ought to be a nice warm up.
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